Owning the Room: Developing Motivational Influence

Motivational Influence

The best leaders, salespeople, negotiators, managers, and customer service representatives share something in common, but you may be surprised to learn what it is. It’s not some inborn trait that makes them uniquely different from the rest of us. It’s not a degree or certification. It’s not even extended experience or vast amounts of time spent in trade. It’s influence, a skill that can be developed and honed to great effect each and every day, in a wide variety of contexts.


I have had the unique opportunity to assess and evaluate thousands of professionals across different titles and industries, and the single most important skill that has set the best-of-the-best apart is the ability to motivate and influence the people with whom they interact. In this exciting and provocative talk, I share the learnings and key insights from countless coaching engagements and interviews of top performers and offer a unique perspective of the ways they use simple, behavioral tools to maximize their influence and motivational capacity.


Traditional sales and management approaches are facing extinction as consumers and employees grow more knowledgeable and resistant to old practices. Connect with me today and share an opportunity to create behavioral change in a positive, ethical manner that leaves your counterparts feeling valued, appreciated, and motivated!